Thanks for adding me to the group. I plan on garnering as much information Argo as possible, so I'll be reading the threads and asking questions along the way. I have owned my Argo HDi 750 8x8 for about 3 years now. I have taken it on the beaches, in the mountains and swam it on a couple lakes and ponds. The swimming part you can keep, it's nice to have when you need too, but I plan on avoiding it as much as possible. It had a HIGH PUCKER factor and it takes a long time to take a dump after that. I love the Argo, my family loves the Argo and everyone wants to borrow it but they can't. I haven't used it in deep snow, it has been in a foot of snow without tracks and seems to do great. I've high center once and got a Fluke anchor to use as a drag to hook the winch to and it pulls me right out. I am considering getting tracks but have questions I'll be posting to ask your folks opinion and suggestion.

Again Thanks for adding me to the group I look forward to sharing and learning.