The premier website for Amphibious ATVs. Whether this is your first time being exposed to an amphibious ATV or you are a veteran of 6x6 and 8x8 skid steers, 6x6 World has something for you. Browse the member submitted brochure section, thumb through the comprehensive photo gallery, read the how-to articles, or join us in the forums to discuss your favorite amphibious vehicle.
We have a simple mission statement that has brought us from our inception in 2007 to where we are today: 6x6 World is dedicated to promoting the Amphibious ATV hobby in a positive and family friendly way. So come on in and join us for some mud bogging, lake cruising, hill climbing, snow drifting, skid steering fun!
6x6 World wouldn't be possible without the members and vendors that help to support this site financially. Please take a minute to visit our sponsors and let them know that you saw their ad on 6x6 World:
Mudd-Ox Facebook Page
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Here are a few videos taken at some of our six wheeler rides:
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You may want to take a look at these: ...
You may want to take a look at these:
Noel Woods 09-13-2024, 01:23 PM...