Below are a few manuals for the KID 8x8 tractor manufactured by LTV Aerospace Corporation in Tyler, Texas USA. These KID amphibious eight wheelers were hydraulically driven and powered by either a Wisconsin gasoline engine or a Perkins diesel motor, both putting out around 30HP.
A 60 page PDF of the KID Model "A" tractor service manual. This manual outlines basic maintenance, adjustments, etc for normal operation.
KID Service Manual
A 56 page PDF showing detailed parts diagrams for all of the KID 8x8 UTV
KID 8x8 Illustrated Parts List
The large Shop Manual for the KID 8x8 ATV is broken down into five PDFs by section:
KID Shop Manual - Table of Contents
KID Shop Manual - Specifications
KID Shop Manual - Engine
KID Shop Manual - Transmission
KID Shop Manual - Drivetrain
I believe Ive seen Tsubaki chain in newer Argos I...
I believe Ive seen Tsubaki chain in newer Argos I try to stay with tsubaki , morris or diamond brand. The china chain has the same specifications but doesn’t have the life.
msafi65 09-15-2024, 01:26 PM