6x6 World

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6x6 World

Welcome to the 6x6 World.

  1. 6x6 World Last Post

    1. 6x6 World Website

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      • Posts: 1,051
  2. 6X6 World Vendors Last Post

    1. A forum for the 6x6 and 8x8 ATV manufacturers who support our site.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 24
      • Posts: 266
    2. A forum for the dealers / retailers that support this site.

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      • Threads: 3
      • Posts: 23
  3. 6x6 ATVs Last Post

    1. General Discussion about 6 Wheelers and off-roading.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,519
      • Posts: 23,460
    2. Argo ATVs

      (42 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing Argo ATVs from the Vanguard and Frontier 6x6 to the Response and Avenger 8x8!

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 4,228
      • Posts: 36,658
    3. Attex ATVs

      (7 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing Attex 6x6 ATVs. With names like Superchief, Crazy Colt, and Wild Wolf they have to be fun.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 929
      • Posts: 9,724
    4. Hustler ATVs

      (5 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing Hustler 6x6 ATVs. "I'm a Hustler Baby!"

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 656
      • Posts: 6,977
    5. Max ATVs

      (18 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing all Max 6x6 Atvs from Mxi (formerly Recreatives Industries) including the Max II, Max IV and the Buffalo truck.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 3,255
      • Posts: 27,972
    6. Mudd-Ox ATVs

      (6 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing the hydraulically driven Mudd-Ox 6x6 and 8x8 Amphibious ATVs

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 139
      • Posts: 2,370
    7. Other AATVs

      (7 Viewing)

      Specific Discussion for all other Amphibious ATVs including Amphicat, Camel, Coot, Jiger, Scrambler, Starcraft, Terra Tiger, etc.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,325
      • Posts: 12,696
  4. Tech Talk Last Post

    1. Engines

      (14 Viewing)

      Tech talk for 6x6 AATV Engines

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 2,156
      • Posts: 15,254
    2. Tech talk for any and all tires, tracks and wheels.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,540
      • Posts: 13,928
    3. Transmissions

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      Tech talk for transmissions including the ever so popular Borg Warner T-20.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,366
      • Posts: 9,082
  5. Six Wheeling Last Post

    1. Discuss 6 wheeler racing, courses, times, etc.

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      • Posts: 5,353
    2. Looking for other 6 wheelers to ride with in your area? Find them here.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 223
      • Posts: 1,731
    3. Talk about organized 6x6 events, clubs, and trail rides. Time to put those 6 wheels to use!

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 414
      • Posts: 10,442
  6. Miscellaneous Last Post

    1. 6X6 Around the World

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      Follow our 6X6 World plastic model around the world as it travels to different member's homes.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 36
      • Posts: 282
    2. Chit Chat

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      Everything non-AATV related.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,187
      • Posts: 9,469
    3. Question and Answers with the who's who of the amphibious ATV community.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 5
      • Posts: 20
    4. Testing

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      Test out images, videos, avatars, etc by posting here.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 26
      • Posts: 112
  7. Classifieds Last Post

    1. Commercial classified threads from authorized 6x6 World vendors.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 18
      • Posts: 89
    2. This forum automatically links to most of the ebay auctions for amphibious ATVs as soon as they are listed. Check the sticky thread for more info.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,036
      • Posts: 1,218
    3. A place to list all Ebay auctions, Craigslist listings, or any other external links to Six wheelers, 8x8's, and parts for sale.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 500
      • Posts: 1,280
    4. AATVs For Sale

      (3 Viewing)

      Complete or project AATVs for sale here

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 223
      • Posts: 1,105
    5. Parts for Sale

      (14 Viewing)

      From wheels and tires to nuts and bolts.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 198
      • Posts: 955
    6. Need a part or complete AATV? This is the place to ask.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 334
      • Posts: 1,193

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  369. Pedropirty
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  371. Philipmaype
  372. qikorukeuo
  373. RaymondDueli
  374. Rod's Max
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  379. StevenDrera
  380. TerryHed
  381. ThomasOpild
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  385. ubuwadsufu
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