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(38 Viewing)General Discussion about 6 Wheelers and off-roading.
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Argo ATVs
(17 Viewing)Forum for discussing Argo ATVs from the Vanguard and Frontier 6x6 to the Response and Avenger 8x8!
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Forum for discussing Attex 6x6 ATVs. With names like Superchief, Crazy Colt, and Wild Wolf they have to be fun.
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Hustler ATVs
(1 Viewing)Forum for discussing Hustler 6x6 ATVs. "I'm a Hustler Baby!"
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Max ATVs
(8 Viewing)Forum for discussing all Max 6x6 Atvs from Mxi (formerly Recreatives Industries) including the Max II, Max IV and the Buffalo truck.
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Forum for discussing the hydraulically driven Mudd-Ox 6x6 and 8x8 Amphibious ATVs
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Other AATVs
(3 Viewing)Specific Discussion for all other Amphibious ATVs including Amphicat, Camel, Coot, Jiger, Scrambler, Starcraft, Terra Tiger, etc.
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(21 Viewing)Tech talk for 6x6 AATV Engines
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Tire, Track and Wheel Talk
(4 Viewing)Tech talk for any and all tires, tracks and wheels.
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(5 Viewing)Tech talk for transmissions including the ever so popular Borg Warner T-20.
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6x6 ATV Racing
(2 Viewing)Discuss 6 wheeler racing, courses, times, etc.
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Trail Rides, Clubs and Events
(6 Viewing)Talk about organized 6x6 events, clubs, and trail rides. Time to put those 6 wheels to use!
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(2 Viewing)Everything non-AATV related.
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Question and Answers with the who's who of the amphibious ATV community.
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Commercial classified threads from authorized 6x6 World vendors.
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This forum automatically links to most of the ebay auctions for amphibious ATVs as soon as they are listed. Check the sticky thread for more info.
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A place to list all Ebay auctions, Craigslist listings, or any other external links to Six wheelers, 8x8's, and parts for sale.
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Complete or project AATVs for sale here
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Parts for Sale
(2 Viewing)From wheels and tires to nuts and bolts.
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(1 Viewing)Need a part or complete AATV? This is the place to ask.
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Pine lake fall ride October 12-13...
10-06-2024 07:39 PM in 6x6 ATV Racing