6x6 World

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6x6 World

Welcome to the 6x6 World.

  1. 6x6 World Last Post

    1. Site related questions from logging in to posting pictures. Learn about the site here.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 121
      • Posts: 1,051
  2. 6X6 World Vendors Last Post

    1. A forum for the 6x6 and 8x8 ATV manufacturers who support our site.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 24
      • Posts: 266
    2. A forum for the dealers / retailers that support this site.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 3
      • Posts: 23
  3. 6x6 ATVs Last Post

    1. General Discussion about 6 Wheelers and off-roading.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,519
      • Posts: 23,460
    2. Argo ATVs

      (27 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing Argo ATVs from the Vanguard and Frontier 6x6 to the Response and Avenger 8x8!

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 4,228
      • Posts: 36,658
    3. Attex ATVs

      (5 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing Attex 6x6 ATVs. With names like Superchief, Crazy Colt, and Wild Wolf they have to be fun.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 929
      • Posts: 9,724
    4. Hustler ATVs

      (3 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing Hustler 6x6 ATVs. "I'm a Hustler Baby!"

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 656
      • Posts: 6,977
    5. Max ATVs

      (12 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing all Max 6x6 Atvs from Mxi (formerly Recreatives Industries) including the Max II, Max IV and the Buffalo truck.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 3,255
      • Posts: 27,972
    6. Mudd-Ox ATVs

      (2 Viewing)

      Forum for discussing the hydraulically driven Mudd-Ox 6x6 and 8x8 Amphibious ATVs

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 139
      • Posts: 2,370
    7. Other AATVs

      (5 Viewing)

      Specific Discussion for all other Amphibious ATVs including Amphicat, Camel, Coot, Jiger, Scrambler, Starcraft, Terra Tiger, etc.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,325
      • Posts: 12,696
  4. Tech Talk Last Post

    1. Engines

      (8 Viewing)

      Tech talk for 6x6 AATV Engines

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 2,156
      • Posts: 15,254
    2. Tech talk for any and all tires, tracks and wheels.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,540
      • Posts: 13,928
    3. Transmissions

      (3 Viewing)

      Tech talk for transmissions including the ever so popular Borg Warner T-20.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,366
      • Posts: 9,082
  5. Six Wheeling Last Post

    1. 6x6 ATV Racing

      (1 Viewing)

      Discuss 6 wheeler racing, courses, times, etc.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 155
      • Posts: 5,353
    2. Looking for other 6 wheelers to ride with in your area? Find them here.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 223
      • Posts: 1,731
    3. Talk about organized 6x6 events, clubs, and trail rides. Time to put those 6 wheels to use!

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 414
      • Posts: 10,442
  6. Miscellaneous Last Post

    1. Follow our 6X6 World plastic model around the world as it travels to different member's homes.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 36
      • Posts: 282
    2. Chit Chat

      (5 Viewing)

      Everything non-AATV related.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,187
      • Posts: 9,469
    3. Question and Answers with the who's who of the amphibious ATV community.

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      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 5
      • Posts: 20
    4. Test out images, videos, avatars, etc by posting here.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 26
      • Posts: 112
  7. Classifieds Last Post

    1. Commercial classified threads from authorized 6x6 World vendors.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 18
      • Posts: 89
    2. This forum automatically links to most of the ebay auctions for amphibious ATVs as soon as they are listed. Check the sticky thread for more info.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,036
      • Posts: 1,218
    3. A place to list all Ebay auctions, Craigslist listings, or any other external links to Six wheelers, 8x8's, and parts for sale.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 500
      • Posts: 1,280
    4. AATVs For Sale

      (4 Viewing)

      Complete or project AATVs for sale here

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 223
      • Posts: 1,105
    5. From wheels and tires to nuts and bolts.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 198
      • Posts: 955
    6. Need a part or complete AATV? This is the place to ask.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 334
      • Posts: 1,193

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Most users ever online was 4,460, 04-19-2024 at 02:38 AM.

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  229. iyivaddiririd
  230. izivanafix
  231. izucehap
  232. JeffreyInold
  233. JeffreyJet
  234. JerryBeauh
  235. Jesseforrester
  236. Jessiesab
  237. jibisihupi
  238. JoeMeg
  239. johnny rotton
  240. Josephtug
  241. JoshuaAnalk
  242. Jut
  243. KennethHaito
  244. koieraxiyiq
  245. KTP25kix
  246. kudahehu
  247. Lavilleralt
  248. lenicyuholije
  249. LeroyLes
  250. levotaqux
  251. MichaelNug
  252. Michaelsag
  253. Miguelhex
  254. MontyScaro
  255. Montyvulty
  256. msafi65
  257. muqocdewipegi
  258. neducoc
  259. niyizuyuaxj
  260. Nutsfor59
  261. oanihiqaloqi
  262. obugoamuso
  263. obuhuluxejuz
  264. obuhusoviw
  265. obuqomatuhuw
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  279. ojilamajenok
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  286. okqobuufup
  287. olunefuy
  288. omibqoxcuz
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  290. omomoyonj
  291. onevivufuk
  292. onomuifocislu
  293. opazuyiyeyab
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  297. oqaowiqo
  298. oqdidifuk
  299. oqiqunafokiro
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  301. orameiem
  302. orifefeq
  303. otedkogodiib
  304. otizuar
  305. otohokapajuw
  306. otujuofbap
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  309. ovxesaketilja
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  311. oworucevdufuf
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  317. oyowatukobube
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  320. ozodiqeeeteih
  321. paderaxazimo
  322. paposuwivire
  323. PhilipHep
  324. pofenaf
  325. qacovubose
  326. qugurectucaar
  327. reziujitoyafe
  328. RobertHearo
  329. Robertvob
  330. Rod's Max
  331. RonaldNunty
  332. soradiufug
  333. StevenVek
  334. tbone9
  335. ThomasMooli
  336. TimothyOxign
  337. tononiloa
  338. uagwryawih
  339. ubavesopauya
  340. ubayiedona
  341. ubemubiconi
  342. ubesaizoai
  343. uborugrahucel
  344. ucuilgele
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  346. udwowixoe
  347. uelakaxvi
  348. ufinsdepd
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  352. ugiweresava
  353. ugxogoqk
  354. uiwenibi
  355. ujecaraabe
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  358. ujojutiravava
  359. ukcyuloyozeo
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  363. umdugaih
  364. umetunva
  365. umiwehijumoco
  366. Uncle Vin61
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  372. upedojex
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  378. uqotodalu
  379. ureuyec
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  381. uroxisuronuz
  382. urqaupzuc
  383. usocapnuwu
  384. utegoxjidsum
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  401. uzibhidi
  402. uzuveqibuqum
  403. Valeron83kix
  404. vijerimufog
  405. Vintagezhs
  406. vucarip
  407. WaynePLEAL
  408. WilliamAGERE
  409. WilliamFlura
  410. Williamopeve
  411. xejujih
  412. yalevekuharou
  413. zenakqeegruru
  414. zepazuziceyab
  415. zidexebum

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