I'll put in some advise for *IF* you decide to become a dealer. There are two things, in my opinion, you must do to sell a Max in a decent amount of time. First, you can't sell apples from an empty wagon... just like you can't sell Maxs from an empty garage. You need to have a Max II and Max IV in stock if you plan to do anything with the business or have any real chance of selling. Start with a 16hp II, 22" tires, brown body, and roll bar; and a 23hp IV, camo body, roll cage, and 26" tires. Package 'A' on both. I find that these two vehicles fit the largest number of people, and represent the line well for those who might want to order another model after a test drive. Since you are in MN, a track prep package might come in handy, and if so, upgrade to at least the 18hp engine in the Max II.
Second, know absolutely everything about the vehicles. Hard to do, I know, for being new to the sport. It takes research and hands on to learn the vehicles. Fixing up an older Max is a great way to learn all the workings. Customers looking at a new vehicle like to know that you can do any service they may need and don't want to see ????? in your eyes when they ask just how the heck that T-20 works.

Keep us up to date. It's a great sport but do keep in mind that the economy is terrible and it has only began its long fall.