The value of antique machines gets debated quite a bit, but it really boils down to a used machine is worth exactly what you can get someone to pay for it. That said, I had the discussion about a tank trainer.......
OK, before people (especially Drew ) start combing C.L., Ebay, and every other classified,
I need to say that there is NOT A TANK TRAINER FOR SALE. Relax and stay on the forums.
For the Newbies: Attex made an 8 wheeler for the US Army for training purposes.[IMG][/IMG]


These are the 2 best pictures I know of.
This tank trainer is arguably the most sought after of the super rare machines, and in my opinion should command the highest price tag.

My thoughts are: In rough shape, maybe around $1500.
Restored right, modern motor good tires etc. around $5k
Restored + enhanced, 1 1/4 splined axles, big hp motor, custom upholstery, closer to $8k+ depending on all the details.

Since there is not one for sale.....I started this just to see the discussion.
How desirable do you feel a T.T. is ? And is one worth what I think?