When you upload photos to the gallery you have the option of creating your own album or uploading to an existing category. This can be a little confusing, so in order to keep things as organized as possible going forward, I'm going to ask that you upload all photos to the existing categories unless you are doing a full rebuild. Then, you can create your own album to document your entire build.

This will help in two ways:

1. It will help keep all photos of Hustlers, for example, under the Hustler category. If you create your own album for every set of photos that you upload, members can only see them if they click on your name and view your personal albums. So if I upload a picture of my Hustler to an album called "The Coolest Hustler Ever", users can only see it if they click on my name in the gallery and then click on my "The Coolest Hustler Ever" album. By uploading all photos to the existing Hustler category instead, then when someone clicks on the Hustler Category, that photo will be in there along with everyone elses Hustler photos. This way, if someone is a fan of Hustler ATVs, they can view all Hustler photos in one category.

2. It will help keep full build-up photos out of the main categories. If you are uploading, for example, 100 photos of your latest Attex build, most likely these will be photos showing the frame, axles, transmission, etc. If you post these photos under the existing Attex category, then a user looking for Attex pictures will have to go through several pages of very specific photos showing Attex parts as you complete your build instead of seeing full photos of an Attex. For this example, creating your own personal album is preferred so you can keep all of your build photos in that album.

If you have any questions about which category to upload your photos to or whether or not to create an album, feel free to PM me and ask. Or you can just upload them where you see fitting and I can move them accordingly as we go.

Overall, the goal is to keep the photo gallery as organized as possible so that it is enjoyable by all. I don't want anyone to be scared off from uploading photos because of these guidelines. I could just prevent anyone from creating their own album so things are better organized but I want everyone to have the flexibility to do both.

Over the next few days I'm going to try to move photos from personal albums to categories where applicable so if you no longer see one of your albums, don't worry, your photos are still there and can be found in the appropriate category or by looking under your member name in the gallery. I will be starting with several of my own albums since I have created some myself where the photos could have gone into an existing album.

Thanks, as always, for your help in keeping this place as organized as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.