I ran my wife and kids into our cabin at Sandy Lake on July 11th, dropped them off, and then came back out on the 12th to go on another trip. Here is a look at the North Trail out of the lake that I got on my way home. Normally we take the South Trail, as our Cabin is at the South end of the Lake, but the river was too high to cross. This trail was VERY wet, Quads can make it, but not without some challenges
It's a little on the long side, but there was so much good footage that I wanted to keep. The Argo was floating a number of times in the goopy Muskeg holes. The horrible stink of H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) coming from some of the sinkholes was about enough to knock a Buzzard off a Gutwagon at times.
It took me roughly 2 hours to make the trip out, which is about 6 or 7 miles. Got slightly stuck a couple times, nothing major.