Quote Originally Posted by mightymaxIV View Post
Roger S had a set of those Carlisle Strykers mounted on his Argo and they do swim but slowly, I have also heard that if you cut the nobbies off they swim better, I can't confirm this, but I have seen Roger S Argo in the swamp and can confirm those tires do swim a little. Other forum members have said they can be modified to swim better.

If you never saw Roger S drive, he was something, he would open his throttle, get in the back seat and rock that Argo through places no on else would go, he would blast over trees, and climb hills that scared the hell out of me. Never saw anyone who could pilot and machine like Roger S. He passed away from cancer two months after I watched his amazing skill in person. He never mentioned he was sick and was right there to help anyone who had a problem.

Go to the 2:20 minute marker of this video and you will see a small example of the way Roger S drove.

Now there's a bloke that enjoyed life to the full.