Ok so after going back an forth with Shawn a little bit here is something we are talking about for the 2018 season.We need your approval before moving forward with this I like the idea but I need input from everyone that might race the series next year even if only one or two races. So here it is instead of 6 wheelers running heats and mains we are talking about only running mains but run them during everyone elses heats we can run more laps per class if you so choose. We can up it to ten lap race and be done. You can collect your plaques and head home before the mains even start. Also in doing this we would lower the price of the entry fee to $25. per class. Now this we would put in place for all one day events so NY, MI,and PA the weekend event at Pine lake will be the same as always Heats on sat mains on sunday but that is home so that works and that race will be The $30 or $35 entry fee what ever it is normally. I really need everyone to get back to me on this Shawn is trying to get everything going for the next year and asked for your feed back before putting it into writing. So you would show up, sign up I practice spend time wrenching Race load up collect plaque stop at foodstand hit road be home in time to tuck the wife into bed. It will be a full points season your start position will be based on your point standings from this year for the first race and then your finish results for the rest of the season not really a big deal with only one row to start. So lets hear what you got to say or we can try to stay with heats and mains an try to get all track problems to go away. Thank you all