Keep your fingers crossed for me guys, hopefully I'm back. After hurting my shoulders throwing a baby fit and giving up and selling all but a couple things, parts that were donated by other 6x6ers, I'm hopefully back. I should've just put a flat top body on my hustler but I got discouraged and disappointed, and well, long story short golf carts suck. I might be lucking into a max iv. My max ii was much easier to get in and out than my 980 tall tub, and a max iv is more open than a max ii so I should be able to get in and out fine. This project might need an engine, will an 18 horse vanguard be plenty? I'm only planning on running 22-23" tires, I don't want to go too tall because of my shoulders. I'm paraplegic is why I keep mentioning my shoulders I can't just step in. I'm stoked fellas, this has been a long road of ups and downs, seems like Everytime I'm done something happens, this time it's not happening.