The recent discussion of member numbers left me yearning for more data. Although I had a decent idea of the answer, I wanted to know what members have the most posts attributed to them. I know that Mike would likely be the #1 poster, followed prolly by JP, or Larry, heck Don seems to ramble on here quite a bit... . So, I just jumped over to the member list and sorted by number of posts, and was shocked to see that GeoJem has (and this is an exact screen shot; no funny business on my end!!) over FOUR BILLION posts attributed to her.

I mean, I have somewhat of a good idea of what she's up to most of the time..., but 4 BILLION?!

A quick review of her profile indicates she joined in May '09, which means she's posted about 100 times every second to reach that number.

So, Mr. Administrator.... any ideas as to what could've caused this? Just a curiosity, really...
