Since we are sharing goes. This is sad but funny.

A lady whom i worked with years ago had just moved here from New York and was new to the lawn thing...mowing, weed eating and such. She had lived in a apartment in New York and never had a lawn so did not know what was under a lawnmower deck that actually did the cutting. Mind you this lady was a worker and wanted to keep her first time yard in Home and Garden shape and this happened several years prior to her coming to work at our plant.

She was mowing the yard with her flip-flops on one day which she had done many times. Now she also had never had a dog either and the little Pomeranian was running about in the yard playing. She was pulling the lawnmower back up a small bank and some how had lifted the back of the things go her foot slipped and yes, it went under the rear deck of the mower.

She felt her foot receive a impact and something fell out from under the mover! Trying to figure this whole thing out she immediately shut the mower off and was looking at her foot which was numb and bleeding. She figured out what flew out of the mower was her big at the exact moment the dog saw it also.

He ran over snapped up the toe and ran a good distance away and would not return the toe. She was frantic and could not run after the dog and had to watch as the dog ate her toe. One she was at the Hospital the doctors were inquiring to the where abouts of the toe so it could be re-attached. She became upset at the laughter in the E.R. when she told her story.

We, the whole break area were listening to her tell her story(all other conversions stopped and all ears were tuned to Dora) and were dying laughing, now the laughing only started when the portion of the story started about the dog. When we gained our composure she politely removed her shoe and sock and showed us....yes the toe was gone.

Now, if this was not the truth it was on her but since she has retired many years ago i have heard this story from many people that were close friends. She was a sweetheart and a good person who had never had children but adopted at last count i had heard 8 orphan children. So i am thinking she was telling the truth

Occurrences like this is why the mowers have the guards on the back now.

Tragedy with humor.