Quote Originally Posted by Model Citizen View Post
Makes sense. I've noticed that a lot of the yoots these days have big feet.
Congratulations. You guys going to get colors for your new gang? Maybe your own unique Hi sign?

I'm thinking our gang color would have to be BROWN!

Quote Originally Posted by hydromike View Post
Try to sleep tonight, and NOT make a pot of coffee at 2am when you're tossing and turning thinking about how soon you can get the frame out. You already know this from the Truckster rebuild, but look that frame over real closely. Mine was tizzoasted. I could have put 10 pounds of steel into it, but settled at about 6.....

sleep tonight should be no issue. I'm pushing the 19 hour mark for today. I'm sure the frame will be fine considering how "pristine" the rest of the machine is. It's gonna take half a spool of welding wire just to fix the gashes in the sprocket tubes that were once bolt holes.