Hey guys

I've got an old argo that came with 21" tires, I am going to be putting 22"s on it, I've even seen a member on here that managed to get 24" Duros under his (looks just like mine but green and a little newer model-1978 I think), and I am trying to put my snow tracks over my 22"s, has anyone has done this?

The standard 13" plastic snow tracks fit over the 21"s and the clearence between the tracks and the body (fenders) is about 2"(?), so I'm wondering if my tracks are going to fit with the 22"s on, I have 8 seperate track tires that are 20" runamuks, but I have had an offer to sell them, and I just can't refuse, so has anyone else put tracks over/on 22" tires on an old argo like mine?

The 22"s are not THAT much larger than the old 21"s, but the 22"s have atleast 1/2" more lug...

Just wondering if my tracks are going to fit or if I am going to have to to keep my track tires?
