Well said NCT
Well said NCT
You know I like EV's, in fact I own a Toyota Sienna Hybrid. I also have a Tesla semi truck on order. But I have to agree with NCT, where is the energy to charge all these electric battery powered vehicles going to come from?
The real Nicola Tesla proved over and over again that electricity can be sent through the air, you only need a sender and receiver, (am/FM radio, cell phones and etc).
Tesla also proved he could safely move electricity over the ground without the use of wires. He proved he could pull electricity from the earths natural frequency and use it to power anything electrical any where, any time. He proved he could do it safely with out the harm being presented by the electronic spectrum we live in today.
I have seen Navy patents for free energy devices that produce massive amounts of electricity from very small devices. I have seen Navy patents for anti gravitational devices.
I wonder how long we can go on at our present snail paced technology before some of the really advanced stuff that would enhance all of us is released.
I'm glad to see that Argo are dabbling their feet in the world of electric. I know that an electric Argo has some restrictions (not to mention a price) that a lot of us are put off by, but you have to remember that we're not really the target market for this type of thing. We usually just think of Argo as selling to hunters and enthusiasts, but they sell a lot to industry as well. This makes perfect sense for any industry that may need to send people or equipment into areas that are unsafe for gasoline engines, like oil/gas, material mining, hazardous recovery, etc. I know they have been working on remote electric Argo's for a while for military use as well. Hopefully the consumer models start decreasing in price over the next few generations as the tech gets cheaper and starts to trickle down and make it more accessible to the everyday person.
... That being said, I'm too cheap to upgrade from my old magnum, so take anything I have to say with a grain of salt.
Nicola was a alien LOL technology Iam sure exists but tied up in black programs and tucked away in vaults that as Dan says would enhance us all its to be hoped that we are not going to rely on nuclear,wind turbines by the thousands to provide us with energy needed to go completely green perhaps a Dysons Sphere.NCT
Couple of years ago a fella in Kitchener Ont had an Argo advertised converted to a battery powered unit. Wanted to go have a look at but apperently he sold it so I lost my chance.
all that's been mentioned is coming ...just may not be in us older guys lifetime !! jboy va
It?s good to see Argo developing this platform. To me it?s kinda like the early Mudd-Ox machines: just needs to be refined a bit. Larger dimension frame and tub for increased water capacity to handle the heavier dry weight. More efficient drivetrain options etc. So eventually it will become better quality, performance, and a good value for the customer. I think that with larger capacity, ARGO could get it to work for even the small majority of people who use their machines on the far-out ends of the spectrum. I mean, if you need to take your welder, air compressor, cordless tools, freezers etc into the bush and truly off the grid, you make provisions to bring the ability to run or charge them. Your cell phone is exactly that on a smaller scale. The logistics can be worked around. The great majority of the time, this new rig looks like it would work great for most peoples? needs. Would a larger capacity (battery kwh and machine frame/tub) be better (especially if the price was right? Absolutely. After owning an EV ourselves, I?ll say that they?re just plain superior in many ways. There?s some pretty amazing tech out there now. How many of you said, ?oh I?ll never get an iphone, that?s stupid??. I can relate, but I eventually got one, and I know most of you did too. All the vehicles use sh*t loads of raw materials to manufacture regardless of whether they are EVs or internal-combustion (ICE) vehicles. But what uses more fuel?.everyone running a generator to power their house, or the great majority of people being tied into the power grid to run their houses and shops (which is exactly what we already do) and only using a generator as needed? The practicality of EVs will improve and get better quickly. I?ll freely admit, I used to be a skeptic, but now I have been impressed big time by how much better they are for so many things?
I checked it out on the argo site... 56 grand is pretty steep especialy with reduced land and water capacity. I do realy like how the winch is set up in that unit. Tucked away order the hood... you can barley tell its there. Hopefully that feature will start to carry over on the other conventional units in the future.
I don't disagree about the importance of moving from the stone age it's far past time as indicated by our changing climate but in the end the EV vehicle is only as clean as its power source.Cheers