Quote Originally Posted by guyfox View Post
If it looks to good to be true then it probally is a scam.....and that looks to good to be true to me.....
You know how the old greed factor kicks in sometime. You think maybe this is the deal of the century, guys wife got pregnant, wrecked truck or just needs some quick cash. Naww, that sort of thing never happens to me anyway.

[QUOTE=dzg;149516]Either the guy has no clue what that argo is worth...or hes a con man....if its legit then thats a hellacious deal. I would make initial contact through email and then see if you can get a phone number and make a cash transaction.
I did the e-mail and the guy sent me the website address. They don't seem to have phones and the website says the Argo is stored at one of their "warehouses" and the only way to inspect it is to have it shipped to you. Money sent "up front" of course.

Even though it looks kinda fishy...i find it odd someone would use something as "obscure" as a 6x6 as bait.
That bothers me too. Couldn't be that many people looking for one of these things. I guess selling 6x's and other small items would attract less attention from the Feds that Lear Jets would.

Thanks Mike for the info on the "multi-post button"!!!