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Transmission maintenance for MAX II & Buffalo

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  • Transmission maintenance for MAX II & Buffalo

    Two questions about the transmission of MAX II (2011) and Buffalo (2013):

    1 – Does anyone know how to determine the amount of transmission fluid and how to monitor its level? There does not seem to be a dipstick and the two lids on top and a bit lower are very confusing.

    2 – How to change (and how often) the transmission fluid? There is no drain plug at the bottom. Do you suck it in with a kind of syringe or other tools? And when you change the fluid do you need to additionally clean transmission after you empty it and before you put a new fluid? And if you need to do this what liquid do you use to clean it?

    Any help and guidance will be highly appreciated!
    A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often.
    Oliver Herford

  • #2
    I only clean the internal parts during a rebuild. If you have gear oil in it upon purchase or there is an issue, take it apart and clean it with break parts cleaner, and put it back together with at least new gaskets and I-rings. The t-20 takes 1 quart of ATF 3. Many people put an ounce less in and them put an ounce of limited slip additive. The top plug is the fill plug and the bottom is the drain/fluid check plug. The top is vented and the bottom is not. At level, the fluid should be reachable through the bottom plug with your finger. To drain it, the front of the machine must be elevated (winch, ramps, ect...). You can also suck the fluid out with a shop vac attached to a hose or take the t-20 out and turn it so the drain hole is down. Once a year it's a good idea to change the fluids.
    l like to buy stuff and no I don't do payments!


    • #3
      For both of your questions, try using the search here in the transmission forum. There are a lot of great threads on this topic. Here is one to get you started:


      • #4
        Thanks for the very helpful response, ambitious drew! And thanks for the link and moving the thread to the Transmission Forum, Mike! There's indeed a lot of information and I have already found answers to some of my further questions!

        Just one more thing - does the ATF type depend on how extensively the T-20 was used? (e.g run down or new). Is there any difference?

        And since the last post has anyone found a smarter way of getting as much ATF out as possible?
        A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often.
        Oliver Herford

