Hi. A problem I've had with the T20, several times now, is the shaft that the secondary clutch rides on is too short.
When the mounting bolt rattles off, the secondary clutch can slide side to side, as the Max is driven. This causes a heavy wobble, which enlargens the hole that the shaft fits in.
Yeah, I've use plenty of threadlock, and new lock washer, but eventually the bolt rattles loose while dtiving, and we feel a heavy wobble vibrating the Max. A few times the woodruff key fell out.
The wobble is due to the shaft being too short where the clutch is bolted on. It barely goes half the distance in the clutch center hole. The result is a ruined clutch.

Is there a T20 shaft that has a longer clutch stub? Or, has anyone welded a longer extention on it to increase the length of it?
It seems to me if the shaft wwas about two inches longer it might eliminate the wobble.
