2 grand for tracks isn't too bad. If you look on Craig's list under rv's in Pittsburgh, there are used tracks for quads that are listed for $3500. I know there is a nice pair of max iv tracks on eBay and the seller started the bidding at $1500. Seems to me there is a $2000 savings to track an amphib over a quad using nice used tracks. Sure you can get a sled for less. I have seen them go as cheap as free, but last year there was no snow and this year what we have received has melted already. I hope it comes back, but if it doesn't, how useful is a sled? You seem to be complaining about 6x6's like I would complain about a Ferrari if I ever got my hands on one. None the less, it is not the manufactures fault if everyone can't afford it new or can't afford the extras they want.