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How To Articles


How-to articles for everything related to 6x6 and 8x8 ATVs. From completely rebuilding the skid steer T20 transmission to removing oxidation from your six wheeler's body it is all here as a step-by-step guide!

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  • T-20 Skid Steer Transmission Rebuild

    Here are steps in the first part of the T-20 rebuild. Make sure everything is on a clean surface and that you keep your parts organized. The T-20 is actually easy to work on after you get the hang of it. Follow these steps to get yours apart, then the second part will deal with reassembly and the installation of the new components (O-rings, gaskets, etc.) Good luck and happy 6 wheeling! 1. After you have removed the T-20 from your machine begin by emptying all of the fluid by removing the drain p...
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  • How to build a CO2 Tire Inflator

    How to build a CO2 Tire Inflator

    I am sure there are many ways this could have been built but I just wanted something to seat beads and inflate tires on my ATVs in the field and I didn't want to spend a whole lot of money. The CO2 Paintball Universal Fill Adapter is the key part. It screws on the top of any paintball tank and when the knob is turned, a pin pushes down on the release pin of the paintball tank and releases the pressure out of the threaded hole on the side.

    Materials: 1 CO2 Paintball tank (I used a 24 ...
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  • Fixing those unfixable sidewalls

    Fixing those unfixable sidewalls

    I wonder if any of you guys have the problems I have when it comes to fixing my tires. I figured I'd show you some of what I've done to make those tires run when the tire man says he can't do anything. Both of these methods rely on the use of some kind of tire sealant after the repair. Most brands work well, currently I'm using slime and I'm very pleased with it. For holes that are caused by a puncture of some sort and are to big for plugs to hold, I have used carriage bolts with washers with great ...
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  • Max II Engine Replacement

    Max II Engine Replacement

    Max II Engine Replacement

    This article will act as a basic guide for removing and replacing the engine in a Max II AATV. Before you begin be sure that you disconnect the battery under the seat. Note: Click thumbnails to view larger photos
    Start by disconnecting the ground strap and the throttle and choke cables at the motor. Then disconnect the wire at the starter solenoid, the electrical connector at the front of the engine, and the fuel line (1,2,and 3 respectively in th...
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  • Custom exhaust for your Briggs Vanguard!

    Well I finished my exhaust tonight and here is the info on what I did:

    the pipe I ordered from this site
    Exhaust Header U-weld Kit - BMI Karts and Supplies - Home With 2 of these kits I had all the bends I needed to make my exhaust in the size I wanted. The price was decent for mandrel bent tubing from what I've seen. I made the pipes 16 inches of 1 " O.D. pipe. I did this based on what the mower racing guys recommend. Actually they recommend 12 to 15 inches but 16 worked e...
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  • Small Engine Maintenance

    Small Engine Maintenance

    Many 6x6 ATVs utilize small engines for power due to their availability, price, and reliablility. These engines can provide a lifetime of trouble free use if you properly maintain them. Of course anytime that you subject them to abrasive environments you will have to maintain them more frequently and if you happen to be as unfortunate as my Max II in this photo it and submerge the motor under water you should always change the oil and filters. Here I will list the recommended maintenance sched...
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  • balloon tire valve stem replacement

    Here's a long over due secret.. how to replace balloon tire valve stems.. 1) break off old stem.(thats the easy part..) 2) get a package of the smaller valve stems(any auto parts store carries them ,usually.. # 413 's?) 3) this may take practice.. you need a used pair of pliars, a dull screw driver, and some quality dish soap..(full strength..) 4) slowly ..attempt to put the bottom end into the tiny hole of the wheel,after sand paper cleaning around the hole and ...
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  • How To Articles

    We have a nice collection of member submitted how-to articles that walk you through tasks related to your 6x6 or 8x8 ATV. From removing oxidation on your ATV's body to completely rebuilding a T20 transmission, the articles section is a great resource. Whether you are an experienced AATV mechanic or a nervous first timer there is something for everyone.

    Get those wrenches turning!
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  • Easy T-20 split shifter Guide
    by Rabbit929
    This is on a 94 Max II 18hp Briggs and Stratton You will need: Grinder Welder I got all my parts from tractor supply. Parts List: -1/2x1x2 inch steel bushing (anything will work but the inside diameter needs to be 1/2in) -1/2in steel pipe (hollow or solid, you only need about a foot) -shift knob of your choosing, I haven't found a matching one yet. -2 1/2in inside diameter spacers/washers (the think ones) Start by cutting the cross shaft. I cut mine an inch and a half from the ...
    10-31-2016, 05:36 PM
  • Pressure lubricating a Max throttle cable
    by MAX IV Mark
    Every time I go to start my Max in winter the throttle cable is frozen. I have a heated throttle cable but it takes about 20 min idling to get it free. I figured a good way to lube, purge the water and keep it from freezing.

    I took a condiment squeeze bottle I had laying around and filled it with antifreeze. You could put your own mixture in it if you are worried about using antifreeze.
    Removed the engine cover to get at the cable end. This engine is the 29 Kawasaki...
    01-01-2014, 12:32 AM
  • T-20 Assembly video
    by George
    This video walks you through the assembly of a Borg Warner Skid Steer T20 transmission.

    09-26-2012, 06:59 PM
  • Rework an Early T20 to Accept Thrust Washers
    by whipper-ag
    I'm sure that some of you have opened up some Early T-20's & found them FUBAR. Once the gears start digging into the drum face, it doesn't take long to ruin the bearings, wear the bands down & cause excessive wear on the ring gear. Fortunately, all is not lost. In most cases, it can be modified to add the fiber thrust washers which are now used in the Late Model T-20's. Here's a video how to do it.

    Whipper :6x6burnou t:...
    02-18-2012, 11:18 PM
  • Adjusting Chains and Jackshafts on a Max II
    by Mike
    For anyone new to six wheelers, this is a short video showing you how to adjust the chains in a Max II. There are eight chains that need to be adjusted. The chains between the front and middle axles and the chains between the rear and middle axles are tightened using the ratcheting chain adjusters. The ones in the front are adjusted by pushing the adjusters down. The ones in the rear are adjusted by pulling the adjusters up. The remaining four chains are adjusted by moving the jackshafts. ...
    03-14-2011, 11:05 PM
  • Repairing a Grooved Axle
    by Planter Bob
    Do you have a grooved axle and a shallow wallet? Well, here's the ticket for solving the problem without burning up the Visa card.

    Repairing a grooved axle on the cheap: 1. Remove the axle. 2. Clamp it firmly in a smooth-jawed vice, with the groove about 6" from the jaws of the vice. 3. Using a wire brush in a 4" grinder, clean all the area in and around the groove, making it free of rust and gunk. Use a flat file gently on any high spots. 4. Use paper towels and wipe down the...
    09-15-2010, 09:07 PM