It’s no secret we have a soft spot for vintage ATV’s. We have the most diverse collection of amphibious ATV’s in the world, with hundreds of literature documents, memorabilia, toys, and everything amphibious related. This collection started over 30 years ago with just a couple vehicles in the backyard, significantly predating Mudd-Ox itself.

Once the amphibious ATV wave hit in the late 1960’s and early 70’s, over 100 companies tried their hand at producing for the new market. There were vehicles with large company backing such as Sears, and smaller startups with a dedicated inventor in their garage like Jiger. Newspapers and magazines were filled with sales literature on these new forms of transportation.
Unfortunately, many of these companies only produced a handful of vehicles. It was a time without computers or digital communication. Thus, an overwhelming majority of ATV literature was lost to time whether it be deteriorated, hidden inside an old bookshelf, or simply thrown away. Enthusiasts have been collecting and sharing their findings online to bring back as much of that information as possible. If you own a vintage ATV, you can almost certainly find some information on it now.

Navigating the Museum
One of our dreams has always been to preserve and share our collection through this website. We wanted easily accessible information, high quality digital scans without watermarks, and of course the ability to download directly to your device. To do this, the information is separated into sections as follows:
ATV History: In this section of the website you’ll find a general overview of amphibious ATV’s from inception to modern day. If you’ve never dived into the vintage ATV world before, we highly recommend checking this out first.
Our ATV Collection: A sneak peek of our personal toy box. We have vehicles stacked from floor to ceiling.
Our Memorbilia Collection: Oil cans, shirts, trophies, and everything amphib is here.
Wanted Vintage ATV’s: If you have any ATV’s, information, history or even related stories, please contact us here.

Virtual Museum Portal
This specific section is the heart of the museum. All files are linked to this page. With ATV’s companies trading hands and re-branding, it’s difficult to keep track of them. There are two ways of finding the information you’re looking for:
Interactive map: Arguably one of the coolest sections of the website is this map with markers for all known production locations of amphibious ATV’s (along with a few tracked vehicles) from around the world. Click on a marker to view more information. For ATV’s we have digital literature of, there is a link in the description that will bring you to a dedicated page on our website. Continue through the Google redirect notice.
ATV List: Following is the map is a list of known ATV’s. Names in red are ATV’s that we have digital literature of. Simply click on the name to view a dedicated page on our website. For all other ATV’s we either have not yet digitized the literature, or do not have at all. Some of these vehicles can be found in “Vintage Magazines.”

A Special Thanks
We want to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped make this possible. From those who held onto that funky sales brochure all these years, those who researched and posted their historic findings online, and those who donated files for the museum. This is appreciated more than we could ever put into words.
