just so everybody knows i do now and have in the past owened 6x6 atv's im in no way shape or form cutting down 6x6 or 8x8 anpibs , but i do firmly stand by my comment that this technology is dated and could vary much so use updating especially considering the price point of new sales ! what im getting at is the doller vs tec . yes the t20 is an awsome unit ! if its not broken dont fix it i love the trans and its the best part of any 6x6 or 8x8 unit that has one in my opinion. who out there would not want a 6x6 or 8x8 with articulating suspension? not only would the ride be more comfortable but the unit would allso be more capable... at a 12 grand price point this is something you should expect not want and thats just for a small unit. how about deeper tubs so we could do more up grades? jet perpulsion for water ? that tec has been around for 40 years in anphibs but it will take from the bottom line at the manufacture so its out . all im saying is if they are going to ask a premium price they need to deliver an advanced product not a warmed over 30 or 40 year design. im a contractor and if i try to use products from 30 years ago i would have no customers you have to keep pace with the times and justify your prices thats all im saying so sorry to anybody that tolk my comments of amphibs as a direct blow to there owen.