I've been checking this site out for some time now and I've been getting some good info. so I thought I should start on my amphicat project and maybe get some more good info or maybe help someone else out with future projects.
Before I start a little something about me. I'm a diesel truck coach mechanic by trade. I have worked on anything with an engine. I've been taking things apart since I can walk. Haven't put anything back together and running till I was about 12. Lol. I guess it was in my blood.
Now to the project. My wife was looking f://or a parts Terra Jet for her's and come across a friend that was cleaning up there dad's yard and was getting rid of one with this amphicat (they didn't know what it was). told us we could have them for $150 can. we jump on it and they delivered them to my house no extra cost. I've always wanted a argo I guess this will do. The guy that dropped it off said they ran it last year but tires will not move. That night I couldn't wait so out with flash light and started looking at it. I ended up finding the chain cases had about 4 inches of ice in the bottom. 3 days later and I got things freed up enough to get moving. now I've only been working on it for about a week and got body apart and cleaned. there was about 3 inches of grease and leaves in bottom of the unit. Got frame out Steam cleaned body and frame. and now working on the body work.
Once I figure out how to attach photos I have a few. Keep forgetting to take pics.