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Advertise on 6x6 World
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Advertise on 6x6 World
Currently there are two ways to advertise on 6X6 World, by becoming a 6x6 World Vendor or by using a Google Adwords campaign. First let's talk about why you would even want to advertise here.
Why advertise on 6x6 World?
If your business is in any way related to the amphibious ATV market there is no better place online to advertise to such a niche market. Here are some of our stats:
-In March 2014 we had over 36,000 unique visitors to the site serving up almost 1,000,000 page views.
-One of our most impressive numbers is the average time a visitor spends on the site which is 7 minutes and 55 seconds for March.
-All of our traffic is from organic sources
-61% of our traffic comes from search engines
-30% is direct traffic
-9% is from referring sites
-Our top geographic regions are:
-United States
If you need further statistics or updated statistics feel free to contact me directly for more information.
Become a 6x6 World Vendor
By becoming a 6x6 World Vendor, you can directly interact with our members and make commercial posts in designated areas of the forum for as little as $40 per month. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, first, contact me directly and let me know. I will follow up with some additional information. Then, you will manage a 6x6 World Vendor subscription in your Paid Subscriptions.
So, what does a 6x6 World Vendor subscription get you?
-An orange username if you are a manufacturer and a green username if you are a dealer or retailer.
-A new user account with a business username for promoting your business
-5 green stars under your name if you are a manufacturer and 5 blue stars under your name if you are a dealer or retailer.
-A custom user title of "6x6 World Vendor"
-You will be allowed to include your business name, link and contact information in your user signature so that it shows up under each one of your posts.
-Access to two restricted forums, a forum for 6x6 World Vendors where you can promote your business and the Commercial Classified forum where you can post as many items as you like for sale. Only 6x6 World Vendors can start threads in these forums. Any member can reply to your thread.
-Access to your own photo gallery to upload photos of your products.
-You will be added to the list of vendors for the site so that users can see that you are a preferred vendor for 6x6 World.
Keep in mind that this forum is still dedicated to individuals / hobbyists and that you must use good judgement when posting in non-commercial areas of the forum. While it is fine to interact with members and answer questions in the non-commercial forums, the 6x6 World Vendor subscription does not give you the ability to promote your product or service in all areas of the site in every post. If your only reason for being on the forum is for commercial purposes, you should restrict your posts to the commercial forums only. If there are any questions on what you can and can not post please just contact me privately and I will be happy to discuss.
- 6x6 World reserves the right to moderate all posts, even those made by 6x6 World Vendors
- A 6x6 World Vendor subscription is non-refundable
- 6x6 World is not liable for any downtime due to connectivity or server issues and we do not promise any amount of uptime for the forum. From time to time the forum will be unavailable and you will not be reimbursed for any time that the site is offline.
Using Google Adwords
As a business if you have any kind of online presence you are most likely already intimately familiar with Adwords and should be able to head right to your account and target this site. If not, don't worry it is very simple to use it to advertise your business and target such a niche market.
The great thing about Adwords is that you can target any geographic or demographic market that you like. For example if you are a dealer you can choose to only have ads show up to 6x6 World users that are in your city making your ads very relevant to your local market. However you may not want to limit yourself that way and instead choose to target the entire US. Either way you can set your own budget and choose which markets you would like to specifically target.
Adwords is implemented here on the site in three locations allowing you to advertise:
1) On the front page in the 6x6 World Sponsors widget in the form of text links
2) At the top of every page below the breadcrumb in the form of text links
3) At the bottom of every page as a banner ad
In order for your ads to show up here you first have to create an account through Google here:
Once you set up your account in order to advertise on this site you need to create a new campaign.
Create a new Campaign
-Choose a campaign name for your ads
-Choose the location(s) that you want to target
-Under Networks to only advertise on 6x6 World choose "Let me choose..." and deselect "Google Search". Make sure "Content network" is selected and choose only the "Relevant pages only on the placements I manage" option
-Choose "All available devices"
-Under Bidding and Budget choose "Automatic bidding to try to maximize clicks for your target budget"
-Then set a budget per day of how much you want to spend on advertising. You will only be charged for an ad when a user on the site clicks on your ad to visit your site.
-Click "Save and Continue"
Create an Ad Group
-Next you will create what your ad will look like on the site
-For our site you have two choices a text ad or an image ad. The image ad will have to be a horizontal banner sized to 728 x 90 pixels.
-Choose a name for your ad group
-Choose the type of ad that you are using and fill out the relevant information
-Choose keywords that you are targeting or leave blank to advertise on the site regardless of what page users are on. For example if you are selling argo parts you can use the keyword ARGO. This will only show ads on pages that have the word Argo in them.
-Select the placement of your ad. If you want to advertise on the entire site choose However if you are just selling parts for Argos you may want to only target the Argo forum by narrowing the placement to That would only display ads to users in the Argo forum section of the site.
-Enter a bid under "managed placements bid" For example, $0.10 is a good starting point
-Click on "save ad group"
Again, you can really narrow your market or you can keep it simple and target the entire site. Options are available for you
You are now done. Your ads will begin to appear on 6x6 World that same day. The frequency will depend upon your budget, keywords, and the sections of the site you have targeted but once you get started you can fine tune your ads to better suit your needs.
Google Adwords FAQ
1)Why do you use Adwords?
- Adwords is a very robust software package that allows anyone the ability to advertise on this site. You can target very specific sections of 6x6 World to advertise on or choose the entire site. You can advertise for pennies a day or choose to set a larger budget. Adwords gives users many more options than we could ever implement locally on 6x6 World and it manages all of the account information for us.
2)How much does it cost to advertise?
- You set your own budget based on how much you want to pay. It can be as little or much as you want from pennies a day and beyond.
3)How much does 6x6 World profit from adwords?
- Every time a user clicks on an ad here on the site we get a percentage of that click through depending on the content, keyword, etc. For example if you target a keyword for $0.10 and your ad shows up on the site; if a 6x6 World member is interested in what you are advertising they will click on your ad and that costs you $0.10. 6x6 World will get a percentage of that, perhaps $0.02 (the percentage is not a set percentage). We then use this income along with donations to the site to purchase software, bandwidth, disk space, etc.Tags: None
- Stuck
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