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Welcome to 6x6 World


Welcome to 6x6 World, the premiere website for Amphibious ATVs. Come join our family friendly forums, browse the member submitted photo gallery, thumb through brochures, and check out the how-to section. Argo, Max, Attex, Hustler, Terra Tiger, Mudd-Ox, and more 6x6 and 8x8 amphibious ATVs are inside!

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  • Newt the Bold 6x6 ATV

    Here is a brochure for the Challenger Recreation Corporation's "Newt the Bold" amphibious ATV. (That's a mouthful)

    (click on the thumbnails for larger images)

    Here is a poster of Newt the Bold. That grill looks like it came from a Rolls Royce!
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  • Mini Brute 3 Wheeler

    This three wheeled ATV is called the Mini Brute and it was manufactured by Feldmann Engineering and Manufacturing Company Inc. out of Sheboygan Falls Wisconsin. It could be purchased with an 11.5 hp motor and while it wasn't amphibious, it could float.

    (click images to enlarge)

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  • Max 6x6 ATVs

    Max II ATV brochure "Max's World, It's Everywhere" "Go all the way, All Year"

    Another early Max II brochure from Recreative Industries "Where on Earth do you want to go?"

    Here is an old dealer application to sell Max 6x6 ATVs from Recreative Industries
    Here are three scripted radio ads for Max amphibious ATVs from Recreative Industries. These were customizable for different areas and dealers and are a pretty cool piece of AATV his...
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  • El-Burro-Motorcycle

    The El Burro "Sand n Sno bike" was manufactured by U.S. Industries and came in a 5 or 8hp version. The brochure below is for the 1971 El Burro Torque 5 that sold for $389.00

    (click on images to enlarge)

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  • IMP KAT 6x6 ATV

    Here is a one page brochure for the 1970 IMP Kat 6x6 ATV. I think the blue and white two tone paint really makes this six wheeler look retro:

    (Click on thumbnail to enlarge)

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  • Amphicat 6x6 ATV

    Here is an Amphicat dealer promotional video. You can read a little more about the video on the forums in this thread: Amphicat 6x6 ATV Promotional Video

    Here are some brochures from Mobility Unlimited Inc. out of Auburn Heights Michigan about their Amphicat 6x6 ATV. This amphibious ATV had a lot of options:

    (click on the thumbnails for larger images)

    Here is a cool article written by Tom Robinson about the Amphicat amphibious ATV: ...
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  • Attex 6x6 ATVs

    Here are some brochures and advertisements from Attex for several of their models:

    (click on the thumbnails for larger images)

    The Attex Bigfoot:

    The Attex Chief 400:

    The Attex Crazy Colt brochure from 1972

    The Attex 208 TT (Terrain Tamer)

    The Attex st/300/d brochure

    The Attex Superchief 500 brochure
    Attex Brochure for the 500, 750, and 1000 se...
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  • How To Articles

    We have a nice collection of member submitted how-to articles that walk you through tasks related to your 6x6 or 8x8 ATV. From removing oxidation on your ATV's body to completely rebuilding a T20 transmission, the articles section is a great resource. Whether you are an experienced AATV mechanic or a nervous first timer there is something for everyone.

    Get those wrenches turning!
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  • Amphibious 6x6 Brochures

    We have a great collection of brochures, literature and advertisements submitted by the members of this site showcasing many of the popular and some of the obscure ATVs from the 60's 70's and 80's. These brochures give us a snapshot in time of our favorite ATVs and allow us to see how they were marketed as well as what accessories and options were offered. Best of all though, some of the advertisements list a price. If we could only purchase them for these prices today! So what are you wait...
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  • Welcome to 6x6 World

    The premier website for Amphibious ATVs. Whether this is your first time being exposed to an amphibious ATV or you are a veteran of 6x6 and 8x8 skid steers, 6x6 World has something for you. Browse the member submitted brochure section, thumb through the comprehensive photo gallery, read the how-to articles, or join us in the forums to discuss your favorite amphibious vehicle. We have a simple mission statement that has brought us from our inception in 2007 to where we are today: ...
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  • Easy T-20 split shifter Guide
    by Rabbit929
    This is on a 94 Max II 18hp Briggs and Stratton You will need: Grinder Welder I got all my parts from tractor supply. Parts List: -1/2x1x2 inch steel bushing (anything will work but the inside diameter needs to be 1/2in) -1/2in steel pipe (hollow or solid, you only need about a foot) -shift knob of your choosing, I haven't found a matching one yet. -2 1/2in inside diameter spacers/washers (the think ones) Start by cutting the cross shaft. I cut mine an inch and a half from the ...
    10-31-2016, 05:36 PM
  • Mudd-Ox
    by Mike
    Brochures from Mudd-Ox showing their 8x8 amphibious ATVs and accessories.

    08-26-2015, 09:47 PM
  • Hoot Owners Manual
    by Mike
    A downloadable PDF of the Hoot 6x6 Owner's Manual from Knox Outdoor Products:
    01-02-2014, 06:22 PM
  • Pressure lubricating a Max throttle cable
    by MAX IV Mark
    Every time I go to start my Max in winter the throttle cable is frozen. I have a heated throttle cable but it takes about 20 min idling to get it free. I figured a good way to lube, purge the water and keep it from freezing.

    I took a condiment squeeze bottle I had laying around and filled it with antifreeze. You could put your own mixture in it if you are worried about using antifreeze.
    Removed the engine cover to get at the cable end. This engine is the 29 Kawasaki...
    01-01-2014, 12:32 AM
  • Argo Service Manual
    by Mike
    Below you will find PDF downloads of sections of the Argo Service Manual. This manual is Argo part number 673-04-1 from 2006. It covers a variety of Argo 6x6 and 8x8 ATVs manufactured since 1992 including the Conquest, Response, Bigfoot, Vanguard, Vanguard 2 and the Avenger.

    General Information Engine Electrical Brake / Steering
    04-19-2013, 05:37 PM
  • Whitman Robinson Scat
    by Mike
    Brochures on the Whitman & Robinson Scat six wheeler. The brochure mentions that the Whitman & Robinson company were manufacturers of a popular 4WD tractor called the Cayuga.

    01-22-2013, 08:28 PM